A couple months ago I made a little visit to my naturopathic doctor, who determined it was a good idea to change my diet. I didn't really think I ate that poorly before; but when you get full blood workup and testing done and realize you're on the fast-track to bad Western diseases, you make changes immediately. Although I am admittedly highly opinionated about the crap people tend to eat, I never realized I was right in the same boat. Foods you think are harmless, or even eating certain "bad" foods in moderation, can still be a bad thing, even on a day-to-day level. Too much soy, caffeine, alcohol ("crap"), all contribute to hormonal imbalances to varying degrees - which creates a perfect petrie dish for mood swings, and eventually, disease. Get rid of soy products, dairy, caffeine, alcohol, and grains; introduce more seeds, vegetables, protein, and water, and it's like a light has been turned on.
The diet my ND has me on is like a modified Paleo/Atkins plan. Like Paleo, I'm basically eating meat, seeds, and vegetables. But like Atkins, I'm also cutting out all grains, non-veggie carbs, wine, and caffeine. Considering my natural inclination is toward low-carb, it hasn't been too big of a struggle to make the necessary changes. Plus knowing how bad carbs and high glycemic foods negatively impact your hormones, and how a daily cycle of caffeine and wine affect mood, it's completely worth the effort. It's only been a couple months and I've noticed a big change in my mental clarity, focus and concentration, energy level, and mood.
Since this is a permanent change, I'll be focusing my recipe posts on meals that I've made that have been successful for me. It's tough to get super creative, but it'll be more of an "idea" board to refer to when I can't decide what to make for dinner - a good reference for future meal planning.
Here's my diet:
No soy products of any kind - including tofu, tempeh, and miso (boo!)
No grains
No caffeine - including green tea, decaf, and mate tea
No alcohol
Water: 70 oz/day
Vegetables at every meal, especially broccoli
Limit fruit to just apples and bananas (low glycemic ones - less impact on hormones)
Increase protein - egg whites, tuna, chicken, grass-fed beef
Daily homeopathic "rituals" like castor oil packs, dry brushing, cold water rinse after shower...old school methods that increase immune system response
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