Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Yummi Biscotti

I love dunkable food. Especially when it's dunkable into coffee, one of my required daily nutritional items. So imagine my excitement when I came across a recipe for Biscotti that was super easy - way easier than the last time I made it.
For some reason, the last time I made Biscotti, it ended up being a three hour ordeal; I think because the recipe called for way too much flour (which made the dough WAY to stiff) and a long-n-low bake. Nightmare.
This time, there was very little kneading involved, and intermittent bakes at about 335-ish. I say "ish" because my oven is a little hot and I had to turn it down a bit :-). But the dough in this recipe is easier to handle and the bakes a bit shorter.
Here is the end result:

The recipe:

4 eggs
2 egg whites
2 t vanilla
(if you have almond extract, reduce vanilla by half & add 1 t almond)
4 1/2 c flour
2 c (scant) sugar
1 1/4 c almonds
1 1/2 t baking soda
1/2 t salt
Mix all together; knead about 10 times or so. Turn onto a jellyroll pan (I greased mine), flatten to about 1", and bake at 325-335 for 30 mins.
Remove, cool 10 mins, and slice into 1" sections. Lay each on a cut side & bake another 10-15 minutes. When this side is done baking, turn each one over to the other cut side and bake another 10-15 minutes.
I actually left them in the oven after turning it off to help them dry a bit more, since they still seemed a bit moist & chewy. I prefer my Biscotti hard & crunchy for even better dunkability!

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